Yes I can participate and offer some advice. As I think that I explained, I specialize in Buy/Sell of bank instruments. We participate via well proven and established trading firms in Europe. If you truly have those funds (500M) UBS and:

Then it might be an easy and fairly quick process to establish a Buy/Sell program investment.

I might suggest that we form a new company where you and I, others (if you wish to participate in a Buy/Sell program), perhaps on a spot trade also escalating funds the first day by 333% guaranteed. So on a gross basis the returns shall yield
returns of 1-2,000% p.a. in other words enhancing your original 100M into +/-1-2.5B p.a., This of course will allow you to build your dream hotel project to the highest specifications. To have the best and most stylish interior design
firms decorate the interior. It should be a stunning project. If you are interested in such a program there are some requirements:

This covers the general requirements, there may be further requires based on which approach you wish to take. The excess of returns after the hotel expenses are deducted will be substantial and can be on your direction directed to whom or
whatever you may wish.

If you can’t accept the above protocol then we can accept the total amount of the funds (100M) with a standard JV division of profits, 70% for the investor (her), 30% to GCI plus an upfront setup fee of 1.5% of invested funds. The investment
and returns are the same.

In either case the process and setup will take from 30-60 days. Thereafter returns are distributed monthly. Also as last time we:

I think that explains many of the general items in our process. Depending on which approach she wishes to take, time and documentation may vary. If this is too complicated to understand I am happy to have a video call Zoom or Skype. As always
we are ready to answer your inquiries.

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