The Diamond-Prime Co. Ltd. business is predicated on providing service to individuals and institutional clients with our Elite Private Banking Program. These private banking programs generate returns from banking and treasury instrument trading.
This not a fund per se as we never co-mingle funds from one client to another, each client is sole signatory to their own account. Funds are controlled by the account signatory. A pre-signed contract and authorization to pay The Diamond-Prime
or Global China Income is executed at the time of introduction to the program. This is virtually 100% safe without risk.
The investment term on most all of these programs is 12 months total (40 weeks-exceptions occur), 10 (40 weeks) of those 12 months are payment months (weeks). The client shall receive a distribution as per agreement in the program contract,
typically returns are paid monthly. A total of 100% /12 of the agreed returns.
The Diamond-Prime Co. Ltd. Elite Private Banking Program produces extraordinary returns for our clients. For an investment of investment of $100,000,000 USD and above the returns are 1,200-1,500% (minus commissions) and higher, all done with
principal never leaving the account. No Risk to Capital! We think and our clients agree a unique and lucrative way to enhance capital for projects, family trusts, Sovereign funds, and diversify capital allocation in HNWI portfolios, all
done safely at no risk to client’s capital.
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